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Quick vim commands to level up your file editing skills

Vim is a very old file manipulation program that is used till today for its easiness and speed at which it allows one to edit text files. It is popular among the group of people who either use vim because they don’t have other alternatives or those who use vim for efficient editing of files. Whatever the use case be, some vim commands will help one to get running fast and easy.
📁 Basic File Manipulating commands
:e filename -> open file for editing
:w, :q, :wq! -> write, quit and their force combination
:x -> write and quit with the same command
:saveas file_name -> save current file under different name
:set number -> show line numbers in vim
:Sexplore -> Browse directory
📁 Searching commands
:?word -> search for a word bottom to top
:/word -> search for a word top to bottom, press ’n’ for next match
📁 Searching & Replacing commands
:%s/search_word/replace_word -> replace all occurrences of search_word with replace word
:s/search_word/replace_word ->replace in that line only.